Wavefront generation in parallel through GPUs, with application in seismic tomography


  • Alejandro Jimenez Xelhuantzi Instituto Tecnológico de Apizaco, Carretera Apizaco - Tzompantepec esquina con Av. Instituto Tecnológico S/N, Conurbado Apizaco - Tzompantepec, Tlaxcala, México., C.P. 90300.
  • Alfredo Oscar Matlalcuatzi Sandoval Instituto Tecnológico de Apizaco, Carretera Apizaco - Tzompantepec esquina con Av. Instituto Tecnológico S/N, Conurbado Apizaco - Tzompantepec, Tlaxcala, México., C.P. 90300.
  • José Federico Ramírez Cruz Instituto Tecnológico de Apizaco, Carretera Apizaco - Tzompantepec esquina con Av. Instituto Tecnológico S/N, Conurbado Apizaco - Tzompantepec, Tlaxcala, México., C.P. 90300.
  • José Crispín Hernández Hernández Instituto Tecnológico de Apizaco, Carretera Apizaco - Tzompantepec esquina con Av. Instituto Tecnológico S/N, Conurbado Apizaco - Tzompantepec, Tlaxcala, México., C.P. 90300.
  • Edmundo Bonilla Huerta Instituto Tecnológico de Apizaco, Carretera Apizaco - Tzompantepec esquina con Av. Instituto Tecnológico S/N, Conurbado Apizaco - Tzompantepec, Tlaxcala, México., C.P. 90300.




Parallel finite-difference calculation of traveltimes, Parallel computing, CUDA C


In the field of the seismic tomography studies are make of the subsoil that seek to understand the composition of the earth’s crust and find minerals, and the last one is one of the most common practices. For those studies seismic wave velocities models are implemented through the earth’s crust, caused by natural or artificial sources. In this paper we present the parallelization of wavefront generation implemented in NVIDIA GPUs using CUDA. In this way we got an acceleration of up to 6.1 times is achieved forseven test casesin comparison to the alternative in sequential computing, but this acceleration can be greater.

Author Biography

Alejandro Jimenez Xelhuantzi, Instituto Tecnológico de Apizaco, Carretera Apizaco - Tzompantepec esquina con Av. Instituto Tecnológico S/N, Conurbado Apizaco - Tzompantepec, Tlaxcala, México., C.P. 90300.



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How to Cite

Jimenez Xelhuantzi, A., Matlalcuatzi Sandoval, A. O., Ramírez Cruz, J. F., Hernández Hernández, J. C., & Bonilla Huerta, E. (2017). Wavefront generation in parallel through GPUs, with application in seismic tomography. Programación Matemática Y Software, 9(3), 25–35. https://doi.org/10.30973/progmat/2017.9.3/4